If you would like to rate some of your favorite (or not-so-favorite) games and possibly win a copy of Spectre Supreme compliments of Velocity Development, just print and fill out the Game Poll form bundled with this issue.
Top Selling Software
Compiled from information received in the IMG game poll. Results are published bi-monthly.
Rank Game
1 Civilization
2 Spaceward Ho!
3 Hellcats over the Pacific
4 Hellcats: Missions at Leyte Gulf
5 Out of this World
6 Might & Magic III
7 Pax Imperia
8 A-Train
9 Lemmings
10 Prince of Persia
IMG Game Poll Scores
Scores are averaged using the six categories in the game poll. The overall score is weighted 50 percent while graphics, sound, speed, interface, and playability count for 10 percent each for a total of 100 percent. The following ratings have a minimum of 5 respondants.
Spectre Supreme: Spectre Supreme needs more sound to bring it a little more zing. Perhaps the CD-ROM version may be better here. Great cybertank game that I look forward to playing over a network. Unfortunate that there isn't any modem support. Peter Warrick - Mesa, Arizona
Capitalist Pig: Stupid, stupid, stupid game. Stupid me for buying it. Bob Hayes - Roseburg, Oregon
Pax Imperia: This game needs to be speeded up and options to leave windows open between turns. Need an easier way to track activities. Bill Petersen - Laguna Hills, California
King's Quest 6: It's pretty good, but once you've won it there's no point in ever playing it again. Also, at 28.5 megs of hard disk space, it's way too big for the average player to be able to keep on his hard drive... David Shaw - Atlanta, Georgia
V for Victory — Velikiye Luki: The game needs much more memory than is recommended on the cover. On a color Mac 3.5 MB RAM seem to be not enough (the game keeps crashing). In fact, I was unable to really play the game until I upgraded my Mac to 20 megabytes! Apart from that the game is excellent. Francois Pottier - La Varenee, France
4D Boxing: An outstanding achievement in computer gaming. I have been completely absorbed. The more I play, the better the game gets. I only wish I could beat the champ – I have gotten up to #2 in the rankings. Mike Lanzetta - Taylor, Michigan